Scentsational Natural Autumn Designs Assorted Scents Soy Wax Candles - 14.5 oz


Personalize your home, work, or commonplaces with these long-lasting scented candles. Scentsational's candles are the perfect size for a great decoration and undoubtedly make the perfect gift for any occasion. There are more than 12 scents that come in a glass container with a lid.

Each box of Wholesale Scentsational Natural Soy Blend Candles contains twelve units, mixed between any aroma of your choice.

  • Mixed AromasΒ 

This product is not available for purchase on our website, only at our store located at 5515 NW 74 Ave, Miami, FL 33166. For more information about this product, contact us at: or give us a call at +1(305)-888-3363.


Scensational soy blend candles are of plant origin, 100% natural, and do not toxify the air. These candles last up to 2-3 times longer than conventional paraffin candles. Soy is a biodegradable and renewable product, and above all, is not toxic, protecting the environment. Because these candles are consumed so slowly, one can be turned on and off many times. This product is not available for online purchase; it is only available at our store located at 5515 NW 74 Ave, Miami, FL 33166. For any questions, please contact us at inquiries@wholesale55.comΒ orΒ +1(305)888-3363.

24 Units

$600 USD per unit

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